Martinez, from El Segundo has been charged with looting and burglary. He was released from custody due to COVID restrictions on the jail population. Gutierrez was arrested for looting and assault with a deadly weapon.
What a Fourth of July this was! We had the President holding a COVID party at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, and we had record increases in COVID cases. The winning is just not stopping with this man in the White House.
He said the incident appeared to be a suicide with a related traffic collision and that officers are waiting for additional information from the coroner’s office before determining the cause of death.
Malibu Unified School District has adopted its 2020-2021 budget but the board of education and district leaders are hoping some extra funding comes SMMUSD’s way from the state budget.
Santa Monica’s Main Street businesses are suffering greatly from COVID shutdowns and all agree something must be done—after all, the City is losing much needed revenue while restaurants risk going out of business altogether.
Malibu Unified School District has revealed three potential scenarios for the reopening of local schools this coming August, but a final determination has not been made yet, according to district leaders.
Studies have shown that 15-20 percent of those hit by rubber bullets suffer permanent injuries. And yes, some die. What are the SMPD guidelines for its use? Were they followed? Rubber bullets, fired at your fellow residents,
A court of appeals issued a tentative ruling Tuesday that if made final, would reverse a previous order forcing Santa Monica to change the format of its city council elections.
A court of appeals has issued a tentative ruling overturning the trial court’s order that would force Santa Monica to move to district based elections.
The Santa Monica Police Department with the assistance of the FBI is seeking the public’s help in identifying the above depicted individual who was involved in the arson of a Santa Monica police vehicle.
Coronavirus infections are growing in Los Angeles County and local officials are warning residents of more danger in the future unless immediate steps are taken to bring the infection under control.
Hostelling International operates the facility and claims on their website that it is the largest purpose-built hostel in the country. The Rapp Saloon, built in 1875 is Santa Monica’s first landmarked building.
It’s been more than four years since the City of Santa Monica was named as a defendant in a voting rights lawsuit, but attorneys for the city and Pico Neighborhood Association are due back in court at 1 p.
Danial Asaria beat his first grandmaster in a chess tournament when he was 15-years-old, but the recent Santa Monica High School graduate has a number of accomplishments — on and off the board — that one may find even more impressive.
How will this play out in Santa Monica, if at all? Based upon recent City Council meetings, there are strong indications that our City Government is a willing participant on that path – and that our Interim City Manager Lane Dilg gets it and is thinking strategically to help ensure it happens.
How will this play out in Santa Monica, if at all? Based upon recent City Council meetings, there are strong indications that our City Government is a willing participant on that path – and that our Interim City Manager Lane Dilg gets it and is thinking strategically to help ensure it happens.