• Santa Monica Daily Press
    Danial Asaria beat his first grandmaster in a chess tournament when he was 15-years-old, but the recent Santa Monica High School graduate has a number of accomplishments — on and off the board — that one may find even more impressive.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Malibu Classroom Teachers Association have agreed to new terms in their collective bargaining agreement, which was set to expire Tuesday, June 30.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    How will this play out in Santa Monica, if at all? Based upon recent City Council meetings, there are strong indications that our City Government is a willing participant on that path – and that our Interim City Manager Lane Dilg gets it and is thinking strategically to help ensure it happens.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Former City Manager Rick Cole is advocating for Council to abandon current plans for a large-scale development on city owned property downtown and instead is advising City Hall to pursue a new idea with more housing and less office space.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Local entrepreneur, extreme sportsman and original Dogtown local Mike Vaughan passed away suddenly on June 18th. He was 48 years old.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    How will this play out in Santa Monica, if at all? Based upon recent City Council meetings, there are strong indications that our City Government is a willing participant on that path – and that our Interim City Manager Lane Dilg gets it and is thinking strategically to help ensure it happens.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    It’s been about a week since Santa Monica residents gathered to speak against injustices in the community, but locals have discovered swastikas, a vandalized Pride flag and white paint that was used to deface multiple Black Lives Matters murals throughout the city,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Needed Librarian in Public Services and Youth Services for over 20 years at SMPL, now on unpaid leave, I read with deep sadness and a heavy heart my LOL colleagues’ heartfelt messages to the City. These dedicated and talented professionals,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Individuals seeking a temporary appointment to the Santa Monica City council have until July 7 to submit their applications.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Since its founding in 1934, Junior State of America has sought to help students build leadership skills, learn civil debate, and strengthen their community engagement through volunteering and activism.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    In recent weeks, millions of Americans have marched in the streets to condemn the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others and to demand action to end systemic racism within law enforcement in our country.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The music is mere background, but Dylan has often been fascinating and successful presenting himself as a poet, with musical accompaniment. I may get back to Bob (who maintains a home, coffeehouse and temple here in Santa Monica),
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    After receiving an invitation to perform at Santa Monica’s Pride event last Saturday, local music artist DEVMO was ecstatic to share her tunes with the thousands of viewers who were expected to attend.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The current public health pandemic has brought personal tragedies and economic hardships to communities around the world, and our beloved beachside city has been no exception, leaving many of our residents,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Santa Monica Public Library is excited to invite the community to participate in a new virtual summer reading program for all ages:  Santa Monica Reads All Summer, from June 22 – September 7, 2020.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Staff and councilmembers said the city intends to alter the police budget in the near future but didn’t want to make a hasty decision this week before hearing specific proposals from members of minority communities who should have input on any changes.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The Santa Monica Pier has reopened to pedestrians. Entrances and exits to the pier are now on Ocean Front walk to manage the number of people accessing the structure and capacity will be limited to adhere to county rules that require physical distancing in public spaces.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    We think it’s crazy that we’re parting ways without having an opportunity to advocate for ourselves and our jobs, so for our last act we’d like to remind you who you’ve lost.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    According to LAPD, the double murder occurred at about 9:10 p.m. on the 100 block of Lincoln. Officers responded to an Ambulance Shooting radio call and upon arrival, officers located two male adult victims with gunshot wounds.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The City Council and Acting City Manager, who all had a responsibility to act in concert with the Chief when our city was so clearly threatened, and they didn’t. But in the ensuing days I think we’ve learned enough to know that a study is not needed.
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