• Santa Monica Daily Press
    City Council will discuss the budget Tuesday afternoon after meeting two weeks ago to restore $6.4 million in funding to programs that city staff had proposed eliminating. Under the proposed budget, all city departments except the Santa Monica Police Department and Santa Monica Fire Department would see significant funding cuts,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The amount of ‘lip service’ the progressive City of Santa Monica gives to minority causes is incredible. We supported the recent demonstration in town  to honor the life  and protest the death of George Floyd in Minn.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    I write to ask that we, as a city, and you Council Members, as our elected officials, immediately rethink the role of, and the manner of, policing of our city.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Local officials announced last week measures to help businesses that were targeted by looters during a protest against police violence last Sunday.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    In a conversation timely to the world’s current events, the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District recently provided an update on the Social Justice integration work currently being undertaken by the district.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Santa Monica NewsBlack Girls Surf and World Surf League held a safe paddle out for “Solidarity in Surfing” at Santa Monica Inkwell Beach Tower 20 last Friday afternoon.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Santa Monica College’s John Drescher Planetarium resumes its Friday evening events in June with free, live virtual shows presented online at smc.edu/planetarium. The shows include an update on plans to explore Mars,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Santa Monica Mayor Kevin McKeown signed Former President Obama’s Mayor’s pledge calling for mayors, city councils, and police oversight bodies to address police use of force policies.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Protesters gathered outside City Hall on Friday. The event was part of the national movement for racial equity and against police brutality.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    As the owner of Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy, Steve Litvack would be the guy most likely to have a headache cure on hand to handle the massive stress caused by the pandemic and riots.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Santa Monica police had no intelligence that people would come to loot downtown stores during Sunday’s protest against police violence, the city’s police chief said Thursday. Chief of Police Cynthia Renaud said during a meeting with businesses that she was only aware that a peaceful protest on Montana Avenue had been planned and then canceled,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Sophie and Eliana Salem, ages 16 and 12, created a chalk mural last week to support racial equity efforts. “I wanted to spread awareness to our community with art that I knew Santa Monica would appreciate,
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Because events of that particular week have been so tragic, some Fridays I regret having come up with the “Laughing Matters” banner fourteen years ago. A classic example was the 2012 mass murder of 20 elementary school children and their teachers at Sandy Hook.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The number of coronavirus cases confirmed in Santa Monica in May slightly exceeded the number reported in April, according to public health records.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    A “bias incident” involving a noose and multiple Malibu High School students will be the center of an upcoming discussion held by The Committee for Racial Justice beginning this Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The morning march began on Main Street at 9 a.m. and then moved deeper into the city, passing by city hall. In addition to every-day citizens, members of the City Council, city leadership and the police chief marched with the protesters.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    The Santa Monica Police Department tweeted Thursday morning that they do not plan on issuing a curfew tonight after five consecutive days of curfews that ranged from the early afternoon to the late evening.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Noteworthy Column SMDP
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Clergy and faith leaders from several spiritual communities gathered at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Wednesday to praise the social justice movements in American and condemn President Trump’s use of an Episcopal church as a photo opportunity.
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  • Santa Monica Daily Press
    Malibu Unified School District will hold its final meeting of the 2019-2020 academic year this Thursday at 5:30 p.m., and there are a number of items related to the district’s budget as well as social justice work currently underway.
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